Local, grassroots organizations that matter to our employees are the backbone of Oaktree’s OCM volunteer program. OCM has supported over 90 activities since 2015, with hundreds of Oaktree staff dedicating their time and resources to give back to important causes such as healthcare, human services, food security or environmental efforts.
- $0M+Donated*01234567.0035813692470258036814692570358
- 0+Volunteer Opportunities*012300124567801234678912345789013450086420864209753197531975319753197642086420860
- 0+Employee Matches*0123,00134578912356790234678012456890098765432109876432109876543210987654321098760007429631852074196308529741863074296318520741963085297418630
Oaktree has a long-standing tradition of supporting local communities through grassroots efforts.
Our Communities Matter (OCM), an employee-centric program designed to dedicate resources to meaningful initiatives around the world, creates lasting positive impact in the communities in which we live and operate.
OCM empowers employees to give back to local causes they believe are most in need. Its intention is to facilitate a variety of local, employee-led volunteering opportunities and company-sponsored gifting programs throughout the year, as well as sponsor ad hoc events in partnership with our Employee Resource Groups such as Oaktree Pride, the Women’s Leadership Council and Oaktree Abilities.
Through OCM, Oaktree is committed to providing substantial financial support through donations and sponsorships each year to support a wide range of important causes such as Covid-19, environmental disaster relief, and social and racial justice. In addition to firm-wide OCM giving initiatives, Oaktree encourages its employees to offer support to organizations that matter most to them through its ongoing Employee Matching programs.
Watch Oaktree participate in:
* Since inception of OCM in 2015; Figures as of December 31, 2024.