We believe that sustainability considerations directly and materially impact investment outcomes.
As long-term investors, we believe focusing on sustainability throughout the investment lifecycle allows us to avoid undue risk and better identify valuable opportunities.
Integrating sustainability analysis into our investment process also helps ensure that we are aligned with our clients and their beneficiaries. These efforts fit squarely with our commitment to excellence in bottom-up investment analysis.
Oaktree’s Sustainability Policy provides more information regarding our approach to sustainability integration.
Sustainability Frameworks and Memberships

In order to deepen our longstanding commitment to sustainability integration, Oaktree became a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2019. Oaktree’s Sustainability Policy and our strategy-specific Sustainability Integration Plans are informed by the principles set forth in the PRI.
Oaktree is a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which develops recommendations for effective climate-related disclosures designed to enable stakeholders to better understand their exposure to climate-related risks. In our TCFD report, we describe our management of climate risks and opportunities in line with the framework and disclose our carbon emissions.
Oaktree leverages the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, which enable investors to identify, evaluate and manage financially material sustainability information. The industry-specific SASB standards are modeled after financial accounting standards and designed to help inform decisions that drive long-term value creation.
Oaktree supports transparency and benchmarking of sustainability performance. Accordingly, Oaktree’s Real Estate Income strategy participates in GRESB, the global sustainability benchmark for real assets. Oaktree joined GRESB in 2019.

Oaktree is a member of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (“PCAF”). PCAF’s methodology helps us calculate and disclose the carbon footprint of our investments in line with best practice.
Oaktree is a member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative, an organization that promotes the collection of sustainability data in private markets. We work with many of our control portfolio companies to gather and report salient sustainability metrics.

In order to deepen our longstanding commitment to sustainability integration, Oaktree became a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2019. Oaktree’s Sustainability Policy and our strategy-specific Sustainability Integration Plans are informed by the principles set forth in the PRI.

Oaktree is a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which develops recommendations for effective climate-related disclosures designed to enable stakeholders to better understand their exposure to climate-related risks. In our TCFD report, we describe our management of climate risks and opportunities in line with the framework and disclose our carbon emissions.

Oaktree leverages the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, which enable investors to identify, evaluate and manage financially material sustainability information. The industry-specific SASB standards are modeled after financial accounting standards and designed to help inform decisions that drive long-term value creation.

Oaktree supports transparency and benchmarking of sustainability performance. Accordingly, Oaktree’s Real Estate Income strategy participates in GRESB, the global sustainability benchmark for real assets. Oaktree joined GRESB in 2019.

Oaktree is a member of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (“PCAF”). PCAF’s methodology helps us calculate and disclose the carbon footprint of our investments in line with best practice.

Oaktree is a member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative, an organization that promotes the collection of sustainability data in private markets. We work with many of our control portfolio companies to gather and report salient sustainability metrics.