236 results for "memo":

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I hope this memo will be well received., But I hope this memo will raise some questions in readers’ minds and contribute to constructive debate., At Citibank in the mid-1980s if my memory’s correct, CEO Walter Wriston, the world’s top banker, made about $250,000 a year., * * * I hope you’ll consider this memo constructive, and that it’ll inform or inspire debate., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.


The inspiration for today’s memo came as my pile of clippings began to swell with indications that pre-crisis behavior is coming back., This gives me an opportunity to discuss the significance of the recent developments (not the substance, however; that’ll have to await another memo)., Just a few months ago, I published a memo called “Tell Me I’m Wrong” (January 22), in which I listed a number of things that worried me., Here’s how I concluded: My goal in this memo isn’t to express a forecast., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.


 Memo to: OaktreeClients From: Howard M a r k s R e : It’sGreekto Me In the early part of this decade, I reviewed a few books for the Sunday Los Angeles Times., It’s been challenging to organize all I’ve learned and boil it down for a memo, but here it is, was the title of a memo I wrote on March 5, 2009, discussing whether the Obama administration’s rescue plan would be successful., My purpose in writing this memo was to summarize and explain the developments in Europe, and that’s the vein in which I started., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.


Memo to: OaktreeClients From: Howard M a r k s R e : It’sAllVeryTaxing Theissueissimple: the U.S. government generally spends more than it brings in . . . and recently, a lot more., What’s Fair is Fair This memo got its start as an excuse for me to write about one of my greatest pet peeves: the so-called “fair share.”, “I have no disposition to tax wealth unnecessarily or unjustly,” he explained in his memoirs., Legal Information and Disclosures This memorandum expresses the views of the author as of the date indicated and such views are subject to change without notice., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.


Memo to: OaktreeClients From: Howard M a r k s R e : OnUncertainGround Theworld seems more uncertain today than at any other time in my life., Each one deserves a memo, but – as I said – I’m trying to be economical with your time and attention, On January 10 of this year, I sent out a “clients-only” memo called “What Can We Do For You?”, I said in that memo that I had come up with three questions that might help in setting strategy, This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.


A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d Memo to: OaktreeClients From: Howard M a r k s R e : Safety First . . ., A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d Legal Information and Disclosures This memorandum expresses the views of the author as of the date indicated and such views are subject to change without notice., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose., This memorandum, including the information contained herein, may not be copied, reproduced, republished, or posted in whole or in part, in any form without the prior written consent of Oaktree.


All Rights Reserved Follow us: Memo to: Oaktree Clients From: Howard Marks Re: What Does the Market Know?, ” That prompted this memo in response., If “On the Couch” wasn’t successful in convincing you this isn’t possible, this memo probably won’t be, either., I set a trap at the beginning of this memo, and I want to spring it now., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.

Political Reality

All Rights Reserved Follow us: Memo to: OaktreeClients From: Howard M a rks Re: Political R e a lity My last memo, in May, was on the subject of “Economic Reality.”, I have no interest in writing a memo about Brexit itself., Economic Reality: Choices and Consequences The May memo described the ways in which economics defines and constrains reality in business, investing and everyday life., All Rights Reserved Follow us: * * * I wrote this memo to explain what happened in the UK this year and what I think is happening in the U.S., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.

The Winds of Change

Yet there are changes taking place, and they’ll be the subject of this memo., All Rights Reserved Follow us: In my January memo, Something of Value, I described some of the changes technology is making in the business world., But it has to be part of a memo that purports to discuss important changes that are underway., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose., This memorandum, including the information contained herein, may not be copied, reproduced, republished, or posted in whole or in part, in any form without the prior written consent of Oaktree


Any offer of securities or funds may only be made pursuant to a confidential private placement memorandum, subscription documents and constituent documents in their final form.